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We opened our brand new gallery on August the 13th 2015 and at the same time we celebrated the Bolin Bolin’s gallery 20th Birthday.

This was a wonderful event. It was an evening to recognise the role of art at Bulleen Art & Garden.

  • It was the launch of our new gallery. You can read more about our renovations.
  • We have had a gallery operating at Bulleen art & Garden for the last 20 years, hosting 6 to 10 exhbitions every year. This is a lot of exhibitions and they have involved a lot of Victorian artists. You can read more about our early exhibitions
  • The new, inaugural exhibition in the new gallery features some of the artists who have been involved in developing the arts at Bulleen art & Garden – planning and running the gallery, creating permanent artworks, or exhibiting in the gallery. You can read more about this exhibition and the artists involved.

Below are some images of festivities of the evening

We had Music

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Courtesy of the Velvet Velours

Lots of people joined us.

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We did have some formalities.

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Paul McMorran & Meredith Plain gave some of the background of the arts at bulleen art & Garden, and councillor Meg Downie officially opened the gallery

We had Cake!

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And other Refreshments!

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And we partied


Caspar being the good host and welcoming people to Bulleen Art  Garden as usual!

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Giuseppe (Joe) Raneri, exhibiting artist & BAAG staff, and Avis Gardner, artist

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Exhibiting artist and maker of new gallery sign, Nicola Hoyle (centre), with artists Shaaron and Linda 11878934_951967174863764_7301935677108944758_o (800x533)

Ex staff memeber Michelle, and staff memeber Tash

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