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 An exhibition  inspired by Bulleen Art & Garden’s magic location – right next to the Yarra River parks. Artists have responded to natural and cultural values of this  important section of the Yarra.
Sculpture, baskets, ceramic and botanical art by Sally Armfield, Glenn England , Paul Kalemba , Emma Kelly , Lene Kuhl Jakobsen, Joel Medley, Robyn Norris, Meredith Plain.

 11 October   to 5 November,  2013

Bolin Bolin Gallery at Bulleen Art  & Garden

6 Manningham Rd W., Bulleen. 88503030.


This exhibition was inspired by Bulleen Art & Garden’s magic location – right next to the Yarra River parks. There is an island of indigenous bushland in the middle of suburban Melbourne. It is a unique flood-plain habitat and urban wildlife corridor and providing links for a range of native birds and animals within the urban environment and beyond. This area also has a rich cultural heritage, particularly the  importance of the Bolin Bolin Billabong and precinct to the local Wurrundjeri as an important annual meeting place.

 If you are interested in learning more about this area

  • Take a walk along the river
  • Have a look at some of these posts on the BAAG web site  Bolin Bolin Billabong What is Urban Ecology? Get Outdoors & Live Life in all its Fullness
  • Find out about Friends of the Yarra Valley Parks – join them for tree planting.
  • Friends of Banyule have an excellent virtual tour of the Banyule Flats and information about the natural and cultural history of the area.

Art is a way to express our connection to the natural world, and to encourage others to find their own connections.  Artists have previously responded to this precinct, most significantly it has been the birthplace of two of the major Australian art movements – the Heidelberg school and the Angry Penguins. And, so we have asked artists to respond to natural and cultural values of this  important section of the Yarra.


The artworks will include sculpture, ceramic and botanical art. A few examples are found below.

Paul Kalemba


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Glenn England 

From the Forest Floor series by Glenn England

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Artist Statement

I am constantly amazed by the diversity of life hidden amongst the leaf litter on the forest floor. It creates a haven for insects, seedlings, fungus, mosses and lichens. This is my inspiration to create a series of small environments. The surface of each piece is a unique combination of texture, glaze and image that evoke a sense of time, place and memory.

Glenn England

Meredith Plain

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Artist Statement: Meredith Plain

The Yarra River, particularly the section from the Bolin Bolin Billabong to Eltham, is a very special place for me. I live and work just a few minutes walk from the river, both at home and work, and spend a lot of time on my bike along the river each week, and more time walking the dogs. This is my place which gives me   peace and a sense of place. It is where I can connect with the natural world.

I have also spent time as part of the Bolin/Yarra community over the years – tree planting with the Friends of the park or Bulleen Art & Garden, being part of a committee focussed on this area, encouraging revegetation and artworks, community walks, as well as time with friends and family.

In this bushland I have come across many birds including magpies, cockatoos and kookaburras, echidnas, blue tongue lizards and the occasional snake, I often almost ride into kangaroos, sometimes catch sight of a platypus or wombat and have seen an eel jump in the Bolin Bolin billabong. I want to share the excitement of these encounters, which representative of both the flora and fauna of this natural place right on our doorsteps. I hope others will also spend some time here, appreciate and nurture its biodiversity.

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Edge of the river by Lene kuhl Jaskobsen

Emma Kelly


Artist statement:

Every time I walk along the Yarra River or the surrounding parks Willie Wagtails sometimes flit about, into view. Their stark black and white colouring contrasting with the dry greens and browns of the surrounding bush. They seem such delicate birds yet they survive so well in an urban environment. Making the most of the pockets of bushlands and scrub next to roadsides and surrounding suburbs.

Most of my work is in the animation industry but I enjoy natural history drawing and illustration for my personal art practice.

Robyn Norris


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 Joel Medley


Sally Armfield

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And, a few more images from the exhibition

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And some images of Bolin Bolin

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Opening Hours

Please visit or call (03) 8850 3030 to check how current restrictions effect opening hours.

Monday – Friday

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Bolin Bolin Gallery acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as traditional custodians of the land now known as Manningham. We pay our respects to Wurundjeri Elders past, present and emerging, and value their ongoing contribution to the cultural heritage of the area.